Things that are Exact:
I made my first quilt in 1997 with my first mom's sewing machine. I didn't know how to sew or quilt, and I didn't follow a pattern. The quilt was ugly and awful and eventually got thrown away. I restarted teaching myself to sew in 2011 and began quilting in earnest soon thereafter.I married the Husband in 2000, 15 months after meeting him. He is my rock.
I love being a mom to boys. M (2009) and H (2011) are my heart.
Pilar and Olivia, my two dogs (the girlies), are companions and not pets. Pilar is the stripey princess. Olivia is the big fuzzy.
We used to have cats. I miss them, but not the litter box.
I love thunderstorms, tulips, hydrangeas, dandelions, being near and in water, sleeping, guacamole, chocolate, cozy pants, novelty prints, books, goats, the moon, and the smell of musty old places.
For my entire career I've worked with and for social justice non-profits. I'm a progressive and a feminist, and I love that I get paid to help make the world more fair and just for everyone.
I'm a breast cancer survivor and a member of the BRCA sisterhood. Learn more about the BRCA mutation and who is at risk here.
Things that are Approximate:
My favorite color is mint or blue-green or teal or green or hot pink or black. I love color, and it's hard to pin down my favorite.I wear black almost exclusively. I own one pair of brown shoes (boots) and I have never worn them.
My favorite flavor of ice cream is most of them.
I struggle with putting myself out there -- in all senses. This blog is a step in the process of challenging myself to own my words, be more visible, and accept "good enough."
I live in the city, in an urban neighborhood, but I have southern fantasies of a big farmhouse with a wraparound porch, screened porch, chickens, wildflowers, and maybe an orchard for lots of pie-baking.
I'm still learning to sew and quilt and make all of the things. My stitches, skills, points, etc. are all exactly approximate.