Each year the DC Modern Quilt Guild hosts this charity sewing event, and donates quilts to kids in need. This year our quilts were donated to DC General. 119 quilts were linked up this year (some donated to the charity of the maker's choosing)!
Last year was my first year contributing. I made a baby quilt on my own and contributed blocks to a group quilt. This year I've done the same.
Photo by DCMQG President Melinda, Quirky Granola Girl. |
I found these orphaned, scrappy log cabin blocks while cleaning up my supply bins. I made them at least a year ago. They didn't speak to me then, but when I found them I thought they'd be perfect for a baby quilt--and I had just enough!
This taupe-ish-gray border is the same solid I originally used to sash my scrappy Anna Maria Horner coin quilt strips. I still don't love it, but I wanted to use what I have. Besides, white sashing really isn't practical for a baby quilt... right?
A few people asked me about the quilting: it is the squiggle stitch programmed on my machine. It's nice to switch it up sometimes. :)
You can see some of the fabulous quilts on Instagram, #100quilts4kids.
I really like the gray sashing. I think it looks great with the orange binding. Very nice. I cannot get my machine to do a decent wavy stitch for qulting. I love that look.