Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Progress Report

2013 New Year's Sewing Goals -- Progress Report:

1. Conquer the zipper
2. Finish my Anna Maria Horner quilt -- DONE
3. Sew a baby quilt -- DONE
4. One more quilt -- DONE 
5. Make a garment for myself
6. Tablecloth -- DONE
7. Placemats -- DONE
8. A gift for my sister (another quilt) -- DONE
9. A Christmas tree skirt
10. Pajamas for the boys

It was the year of quilts -- three baby quilts for friends; a baby-ish sized lap quilt for the family; my AMH quilt; and a quilt for my sister.

There were also bibs, baby pants, a crib sheet, and pillow shams. Lots of pillow shams! I'm loving the Christmas pillow I made for M, and the runner I made for the lowboy in our dining room.

I did not conquer the zipper this year. 

I LOVE quilting! Almost as much as I love fabric. As 2013 wraps up, I have four more quilts started and another baby quilt to start on this winter. 

I am still impatient for the finish and accepting of imperfect. Maybe in time that will change.

2014 goals:
1. Sew myself something to wear. I'm determined to do it this year, and I spent a good part of 2013 looking for the easiest nice-looking pattern to try. I think I found it in the new Liesel + Co. Everyday Skirt.

2. Sew from what I have. I managed to acquire a lot of fabric in 2013. Time to sew it.

3. Take a lesson. Maybe I will conquer the zipper in 2014.

4. Sew what I love. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Catching Up

2013. It really crept up on me! It seems like just yesterday it was October and I was so proud of myself for starting my holiday sewing. I had ambitious plans and did a fairly good job at achieving them but... Here is my dirty secret: I failed to get some of them to their intendeds. Sad! The baby blanket for my cousin who turns 1 in April? Finished in October but still sitting on my table. The Holiday table runners and pillow for her grandmother, parents and aunt and uncle? Also on the table. Now there's a good reason not to buy holiday prints! Whoops. Well, they are family. They will appreciate the gifts whenever they receive them. Right?

I did manage to finish M's quilt and wrap it for Christmas. That makes two completed quilts in 2012 plus the cheater and the baby blanket. Go me!

Now, about 2013. I set ambitious goals for myself. Exercise sometimes. Floss more often. Finally see an allergist. But the goals I am really excited about are these:
1. Conquer the zipper
2. Finish my Anna Maria Horner quilt
3. Sew a baby quilt
4. One more quilt
5. Make a garment for myself
6. Tablecloth
7. Placemats
8. A gift for my sister
9. A Christmas tree skirt
10. Pajamas for the boys

Whew! I set these goals on January 2 and already I have made some progress:
Tablecloth? Done!
Placemats? Done!
AMH quilt? Ready to be basted!
Baby quilt? Well I picked the pattern and the fabric and wow, I am so excited to start cutting!

Happy New Year!


quilt for the boy (M)