Saturday, February 21, 2015

She's here! It's a Janome Skyline!

She's here! Meet Kim Gordon, my new Janome Skyline S5!

Oh, she is such a dream. The 1/4 in piecing foot is accurate! She has auto tension control! There is an adorable bow stitch!

Look at all of those stitches! And the auto-thread cutter!

Just imagine the labels I could make!

I love Kitty, my Brother CS6000i. She is the machine who helped me learn and fall in love with sewing and quilting. She showed me how easy and satisfying it can be to make something beautiful. She has her own set of fancy stitches. And, perhaps her best feature, she is so lightweight! An excellent travel companion.

But Kitty has her flaws. She struggles with accuracy. Her throat space and lighting are lacking. I've fiddled with her thread tension endlessly, sometimes to no avail. She's kept pace with me as best as she can, but it's time to make room for a new family member.

Yes, it is a very good day to be snowed in. A VERY good day!

Okay, I've got to go now. Kim Gordon and I are still getting acquainted. But so far I can say this: her name suits her. She is BADASS.


  1. Yay.... How exciting to get a new machine. I have two (older) Janomes and I love them. My 6500 has great throat space which is so cool for quilting. Enjoy playing with your new toy!

  2. Thanks! I had a lot of fun this weekend!
